采购的会议纪要 《考虑消费者行为的直播电商生鲜供应链决策研究》直播电商运作


Share interest, spread happiness,increase knowledge, and leave beautiful.Dear you,this is the LearingYard Academy!Today, the editor brings you knowledge punch cards (141)Welcome your visit!This tweet usually takes about 8minutes to read. Please be patient and read.1.内容提要本期将继续阅读东南大学潘红全学者的文章:《考虑消费者行为的直播电商生鲜供应链决策研究》。

采购的会议纪要 《考虑消费者行为的直播电商生鲜供应链决策研究》直播电商运作


In this issue, we will continue to read the article by Hongquan Pan, a scholar from Southeast University: A Study on Fresh Supply Chain Decision Making for Live E-Commerce Considering Consumer Behavior. After reading the explanation of the relevant concepts in the article in the last issue, this issue goes into three chapters to learn the operation process of manufacturing live e-commerce and the analysis of consumers' purchasing decision behavior.本期内容将从思维导图、精读内容和知识补充三部分展开。

In this issue, we will start from three parts: mind map, intensive reading content and knowledge supplement.2.思维导图3.精读内容在对文章研究问题进行研究前,需要对直播电商生鲜农产品供应链结构进行了解以及消费者在直播电商下的行为及影响因素进行分析,从而为下文基于消费者行为的商家、主播和供应链利润模型提供依据。



Before researching the research problem of the article, it is necessary to understand the structure of the fresh produce supply chain of live e-commerce as well as to analyze the behavior of consumers under live e-commerce and the influencing factors, so as to provide the basis for the following profit model of merchants, anchors and supply chain based on consumer behavior. The authors first analyze the participating parties and operation process of live e-commerce, and describe the operation process and structure of the live e-commerce supply chain.Live e-commerce starts with the merchant's presence on the live platform, the anchor's introduction of the product, and the consumer's decision to buy or not according to their own needs and judgment, so we know that the participating subjects of live e-commerce include: merchant, anchor and platform, and consumer.Among them, the relationship between the anchor and the merchant exists in two categories, one is the merchant itself is the anchor, that is, the merchant live; the second is to hire anchors, which is mainly netizens, stars and so on with a certain amount of fan traffic.了解了直播电商中参与主体有哪些之后,进一步来分析直播电商的运作流程:首先是商家入驻平台——入驻成功——商家雇佣网红主播或自身主播在平台开展直播卖货(商家需对雇佣的主播支付其一定的固定工资和激励工资,自身主播而言则不存在此类费用)——在直播中,主播通过对商品进行解答描述,通过平台传达给消费者,以此来影响消费者购买决策——消费者通过观看直播,与主播和其他消费者进行互动后结合自身对商品的需求程、性价比的判断等综合产生购买意愿,进而做出购买决策。


After understanding what are the subjects involved in live e-commerce, further analysis of the operational process of live e-commerce:First of all, the merchant is stationed on the platform - stationed successfully - the merchant hired netizen anchors or their own anchors in the platform to carry out live sales (merchants need to pay the hired anchors their fixed wages and incentive wages, there is no such cost for their own anchors) --In the live broadcast, the anchor describes the product and conveys it to the consumer through the platform, thus influencing the consumer's purchase decision - the consumer watches the live broadcast, interacts with the anchor and other consumers, and then combines his or her own demand for the product with his or her own demand for the product, and his or her judgment of the price/performance ratio, Through watching the live broadcast and interacting with the anchor and other consumers, consumers combine their own demand for the product and the judgment of the price/performance ratio to produce the purchase intention and then make the purchase decision.In the process, the flow direction of funds for consumers to merchants; merchandise flow for merchants to consumers; consumers watching the live broadcast of the purchase decision will be completed in the live room to buy goods, merchants receive consumer order information for delivery processing.随后,文章对直播电商供应链结构做了详细分析,将整个供应链流程分为直播前、直播中、直播后。


Subsequently, the article makes a detailed analysis of the live e-commerce supply chain structure, dividing the whole supply chain process into before, during and after the live broadcast.Before live broadcast: merchants purchase goods from suppliers, collect user profiles based on historical live broadcast information and price goods, etc;During the live broadcast: the anchor explains the products and the consumer places orders for the products;After the live broadcast: merchants process order information, shipping, and after-sales work.4.知识补充直播中的主播类型第一类是达人主播,如李佳琦、薇娅、辛巴等粉丝量多、带货能力强的头部网红主播。





Types of anchors in live broadcastThe first category is da Ren anchors, such as Li Jiaqi, Vea, Simba and other head netizen anchors with large fan base and strong ability to bring goods.The second category is celebrity anchors, including stars and celebrities who bring their own topics and traffic.The third category is the merchant self-broadcast, merchants build their own live broadcast team to introduce the selected products, and vegetarian guides become the main members. Along with the emergence of the live head anchor Matthew effect, the cost of merchant live has risen, and some merchants have begun to explore the self-broadcast mode of merchant stores: merchants enable store staff or their own anchors to self-broadcast, cultivate more small and medium anchors and brand guides, and alleviate the polarization trend of the anchor market. On the one hand, consumers can get price concessions from the cost of celebrity anchors saved by merchants; on the other hand, merchants can activate the value of shoppers in the process of self-broadcasting, at this time, anchors are no longer short-term third-party cooperation, but transformed into a recyclable and sustainable production factor for merchants. The anchor is no longer a short-term cooperative third party, but a recyclable and sustainable factor of production for the merchant.今天的分享就到这里了。



